Art Forum

Message #1384, a followup to #1009

Name: Shayne
Date:Thursday August 20, 2009 10:17:47 am MDT
Subject:Re: Large original painting by J. Medina
Message:I have a painting signed by a "J Medina"- It is a street depiction with heavy oil paint, depicts a cobblestone road in what looks to be an alley there is a street lamp on the right side of the road a two or three story structure with balconies outcropped with flowers on the left side of the street. On the Right side of the street, aside from street lamp, there is a small building painted in hues of blues and turquoise there appear to be hills or a mountain range in the back of the scene the sky is pictured as being twilight, likely evening, but possibly morning. (excuse the run on sentence) But does anyone know anything about the painting or its origins? Anything would be appreciated if you would like pictures let me know.
Thank You Shayne

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